Here's the basic's...26, New Orleans, Sassy with a boring job! Graphic Designer for the largest Real Estate Co. in the Gulf South. That's about all. |
I love GOO! Liked Name when it came out, but didn't get the cd, liked Iris and still didn't get a Goo cd. Slide came out and FINALLY my eyes opened up and I saw the light. April of '99 in Ruston, LA, I had my first Goo experience. My good friend and roomie at the time, Gio, held back where they were staying in our little small college town. I searched and couldn't find them. I had just about given up hope when I ran into the one and only Johnny Rzeznik at the local drug store, Rite Aid. He had a handful of items in his arms, he mentioned how his shaving kit got lost so he had some shopping to do. Soap, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, a bottle that looked like tilex, a huge can of yellow hair spray and some umm...well protection. After he finished, he came outside and took pic's, signed autograph's and chatted with the 4 of us out there. None of us knew who the other guy was at the time...Nathan December was with him. Found out who he was later that nite though. They were both as nice as they could be and humble at the same time. Johnny couldn't believe we knew who he was...sure, uh huh! After that meeting, it was concert time. It was great!!! Totally amazed and was in a daze! When the concert was over, being the good roomie, I went to find my car-less friend Gio. Worked my way around backstage and all of a sudden there was Robby! I quickly went up to him before he disappeared and started talking to him. He signed my Goo shirt, I had nothing else with me besides that! Never did get to meet Mike though. Maybe next time.
June 2002, was my 4th Goo show. I'd seen them 3 times in '99, Ruston, LA, The Woodlands, TX and New Orleans. I have a bunch of pic's from that New Orleans show also. Anyway, that was my little Goo encounter. Enjoy the site!
April 1999 |

Rite Aid |
mmmmm Nice!
Lovely, just lovely!
|  |