A little recap of the weekends events....
from me:
OMG! there is just so much to say!!! Meeting everyone was great! Since I'm the first person with computer access, i can really spill the beans. MUAHAHAHA! house of blues is a good place to see a GOO show! especially when you have about 12 (sorry if that final number is wrong and i left anybody out!) WOG'ers on the front row! 
i thought lisa lobe was excellent! she was hilarious! she also pointed out cathy spilling her drink to the entire audience!
the charlie brown PEZ dispenser we got for robby ended up next to his homer simpson one on top of the big equipment box. so that was WOO HOO! number 1!
show starts...out comes johnny and robby...then mike...OMG ya'll...he's wearing the shirt we got him! WOO HOO number 2! mike looked adorable 
we were all decked out with boas, funky hats and glitter wands...johnny wore cathy's and kim's hats at one point in the show. a nice interaction with the audience...especially us WOG'ers! johnny starts talking, so i decided to hold up one of the signs we had..."Happy Birthday to the ONLY man who looks good in a boa!" and attached to the sign was a neon pink boa for him. a few songs later, he decides to collect our signs..."We traveled 6200 miles to see GOO!" "World of GOO loves you!" and a few other ones. johnny ended up reading my boa sign last, took the boa off, put it on and DEDICATED to me..."this is for the girl in the pink feather boa" Dizzy! WOO HOO!!!! 
after the show we waited FOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER to see the guys. robby came out and was just adorable. then the annoucement was made the others weren't coming out. WHAT?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! we waited and waited and waited....johnny and mike finally came out and went right on the bus. 2 minutes later johnny came out and signed stuff for us. I FINALLY GOT MY RITE AID PICTURE WITH JOHNNY SIGNED! thanks kim!!! all the pain of standing for that long was worth it to have that signed! WOO HOO!!!
ok ladies...time for ya'll to post...don't mention the strippers 
can't leave these out....
the 3 cute guys on bourbon street...it's 2.30 in the morning and you are a famous rock star in new orleans, what bar would you be at?...she's the pain slut..."do you want me to give you the shot?"...my glow stick's a dud...across from walgreens...oh look, it's the tampa bay buc football players/coaches!...the penis hat...
from crys (cgh1120)
Cass you said it all hon!! **zips lips** LMAO!!
We all had such a great time and it was so nice meeting everyone especially the GOOS!!
Front row!! WooHHoo! Tigerlily and Purplehat girl ROCK!!
Hope everyone has a safe trip home!!
**ponders the choices on the 99 Cent menu**
from kim (purple hat girl)
Okay ladies sorry it took me so long to get up on the board. I am here and will be changing my name from "nonamegoo" to "purple hat girl" it is a joke from the concert. John wore my hat and lemon's aka tigerlilly and after the show everyone kept pointing at me and going "Your the purple hat girl." We had a BLAST. By the way, if anyone got a picture of John in the purple fuzzy hat, please let me know, I did not get a picture of him in it and I would love one.
All the WOGer's were along the rail. We stretched from one end to the other.
So many things happen a lot of laughter and jokes. PEH now known as Pink Boa Lady was gracious enough to take my picture with John when he came around and signed our stuff he looked up and said, "I know you, your the Purple Hat Girl (hence the new name, everyone said I had to change it) I wore that hat its a great hat."
I know what Holli means by the arms hurting I am feeling it too and Holli thanks for giving me one of your picks that was sweet.
I believe that Lemon was the one who saw the blue tarp first (not sure though). Blue Tarp was however without the Blue Cooler, we were a little disappointed.
Lemon got a very nice drawing on her HOB post card from Robby, Robby even loved it he could not stop laughing and showing it to everyone. I will let her tell you what he drew. AZ got a very nice BIG Robby hug.
The show was great, the crowd was good. It was an awesome venue to see them at. It was so great to finally meet you guys in person. I want to thank all of you for making this a very memorable show. Thanks to Crys and Cassie for helping me out with the Shuttle, I appreciate it guys. I had a great time and hopefully when they come back, you guys will get to come down again. We did a lot of walking, standing, waiting, laughing, comparing feet pain, but it was all worth it. Hopefully everyone has made it home safely.
We had a good time in the quarter, we did not see them downthere, I am sure they were there, but we were too busy dancing, walking, staring, laughing, standing, and yelling for Charles at Pat O'Briens and I am sure that Krystal is going to miss our late night crowd for food.
Thanks to everyone it was awesome and I am thinking on passing on the 99c menu and trying my luck with the "scratch, scratch lattos."
I will let the others add to the adventure and an adventure it was.
THANKS GUYS IT WAS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from kris, bondage girl ;)
I definitely have to add my thanks to our local hostesses for showing us the town. Special thanks to Kim's son Quentin for letting me invade his space that 1st night !! (Just so ya'all know, Kim is a great tour guide if you should find yourself in NO. She can take ya around the old 'hood, by Trent Reznor's, & Anne Rice's.)
What to add? When the set lists were taped down, several of us were THRILLED to see Burning Up had been added. Unfortunately, when it came time to play that song, John was a bit surprised. Apparently he can't remember how to play that song. So it was Lucky Star instead. Robby actually thought it was so old we wouldn't know the words!
Honestly, I will NEVER attend another concert without my glitter wand!! Jason was the only 1 of them I couldn't get to smile or wave to me. I even managed to get a couple adorable smiles from between the amps from Robby's tech Andy. Who BTW was very sweet all night. He made sure I got a couple of picks & actually presented me with a set list after the show. We took a slew of pictures of him loading the truck after the show. Hopefully, they will come out. 
Robby was a riot while going thru the line. Very into doing artwork. I received a Horton drawing instead of a signature. I had asked if I could get a hug, but the security was trying to get him thru the line since there were so many people. He was 3 or 4 people down from when he overheard me telling Laurie I was bummed. He turned around, came back down & asked why I was bummed. Then I got the BEST Robby hug!!! 
Can't believe we managed to get tigerlily & purple hat girl to stay put to get their signatures, hugs & kisses from John. They kept saying all weekend how they'd be too scared & would run away. See girls, no reason to be scared. Those boys are adorable!! (Tigerlily thought Robby was so adorable, she wanted to bring him home with her!)
Don't ever go to see a HOB show without Kim there to fight for you! You go girl!! Without you, we wouldn't have ended up on the rail. What fun would that have been? 
Guess that's it for now. Time to get some sleep where I can dream about how awesome the NYE show will be!! 
I do want to add that everyone I met in NO was so great!! This board really has some of the warmest, most generous, sweetest, & genuinely sincere folks on it. It was truly a pleasure getting to know all of you, however briefly. 
from Laurie (r-ette)
I agree!! You guys were the GREATEST!! Thanks everyone for such a wonderful experience!!!! 
I loved being in the front row!! I'm spoiled now; I'm not going to want to be anywhere else!! Thanks Kim for kicking some butt at the HOB!!! 
That was great that Robby had the giant pez dispenser we gave him on stage, and that Mike wore our shirt!! (It was black; on the front it had an outline of a hand with the word "tag" underneath. On the back of the shirt it said "you're it")
Someone asked about our WOG sign. It said "World of Goo (heart) the Goos". John read it out loud and said "Awwww, we love you too!" 
I'll let you know how my pictures come out. I know I definitely got one of John with the pink boa on and I'm almost positive I got one with the purple hat for you Kim. Cassie, let me know how the pictures came out that I took with your camera. I hope they're OK!! I'd love to know how everyone else's pictures came out!!
Robby was soooooo adorable and funny after the show!! I got a big hug and kiss from him!! Did you guys see what he did with my glitter torch?? 
No comment on the 99 cent value menu 
When they come back to N.O., I'd definitely love to go back down. That was soooo much fun!! 
Hey Kris, what are you planning to do with (or should I say to) Andy on NYE?? 
OK, I really need some sleep now...back to reality tomorrow.
from Tigerlily (cathy)
Howdy from "the idiot with the big hat". This is 'TOP DOG' chiming in with my version of our New Orleans adventure. We were very bad girls . We couldn't keep out of the strip clubs and we got much more than we bargained for. Apparantly Johnny was making the rounds as well, but unfortunately(or NOT) our paths never crossed. We all danced up a storm at some gay bar, told weird men to "bug off" at The Cat's Meow karaoke club, and spent some time trying to explain to a bunch of drunk Tampa Bay Buccaneers how well we did(or did not) know each other That was just the first night. We got no sleep. Tuesday morning, we scoped out the buses in front of the venue, but Kim and I stayed far away, for fear of actually seeing any of the guys. We were both sure that if we did, we would run away and hide We arrived at HOB in time for our supposed dinner reservations, which we had made in order to pass the line, only to find that some server had made a mistake, and allowed people with lunch reservations to get in line already >: Well, we weren't taking any of that sh*t!! We got the manager, and Kim kicked A**(YOU GO GIRL), and we ended up being the very first group allowed to enter the venue Set list was the same as usual. The show was awesome, and over way too quickly. Johnny put on my blinking Merlin hat, and Kim's furry purple pimp hat. I must say he looked MAH-VELOUS After the show, we wanted to wait for the guys, and since there were so many of us, Kim and I knew we'd have the moral support to stick around, and not run and hide when we saw them coming. We both have issues with being easily(or not so easily) embarassed Robby came out, and I asked him to sign my postcard that had Jake and Elwood Blues on it. Robby started coloring, and next thing I know, he's transformed the picture into one of him and John- very funny!! He loved it too, cuz he just kept showing it to everyone. He gave me a great big hug, and that's when I decided I wanted a Robby of my very own. He's just SOOO sweet and adorable. Thanks for a great night, Robby !!! After Robby left they said the other guys weren't coming out, but we stayed around anyway and finally John came out. I showed him the picture that Robby had drawn, and he said " Robby did that, why'd he do it? He's such a lughead" Cute, Johnny, very cute!! 
What a great time we all had I was so sad to see it end. All you WOG girls were so great, I really hope we have a chance to do it again, it's not every day we get to act like 18 (I mean 12) year olds... P.S. Anyone find out if that story about those Hoochey-Mamas hitching a ride on the tour bus is actually true Do tell
from lady goodiva (paula)
Boy, was that fun or what
I wish I'd been able to spend more time with all the WOG gang, but first and foremost my friend Shera and I were in N.O. to celebrate her birthday (she's the one with the "I'm turning 39 sign) and she had a secret mission (really!).
It was her first time in N.O. and I hadn't been in over 20 years, so we spent a lot of time just walking around. So what all did we do?
1) We went to Harrah's on Sunday and Monday. We both won enough money to almost pay for our trip. It was the first time in a casino for both of us.
2) We walked around the FQ and Bourbon Street and saw Quake, Dave Ellison (aka Otis) and
I say "we" but actually it was Shera and two other ladies that joined us. I didn't see him and he was long gone by the time I turned around, but they said that I brushed shoulders with Miyoko and didn't even realize it. DOH!!! And I just got new glasses!
They watched R & M keep walking and Robby looked back at us, but kept walking with his head kind of down. We decided that it looked like he DIDN'T want to be approached and it was his day off so we just let them go along.
3) I don't think there's a thing that I can add about the show that hasn't already been said. It was truly incredible. SO MUCH ENERGY!!! And I agree, Lisa Loeb was awesome!
4) We stayed after the show and when Robby got to us, he gave Shera a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She asked him to autograph the B&W photo in the Tour Book and pointed to the white space below the picture. Robby grabs her Sharpie and draws antennae coming out of his head and a big autograph. It is definately a keeper now!!!
Robby then came to me and I said, "I don't really collect autographs, but I'd love a hug. He looked at me and said "No, no, no ...." and then looked at my Mardi Gras beads that had roses that kinda sorta looked like Gutterflowers. He took the Sharpie and said "We'll make this extra special" and made a little Robby doodle on one of the disc shaped beads. Then I got a big hug and a kiss too. What a sweetie.
5) Then we waited some more and spent quite a while talking to Wild Bill the driver. What a great guy! He even shared his grapes with us - LOL.
FINALLY, after my feet had gone from pain to numb, John and Mike came out. Mike smiled and waved and went straight onto the bus. And to make a long story a little shorter, Shera accomplished her secret mission AND
I can't really give details because it's her story and not mine, but I will say that when we got back to the hotel she was just smiling and said "I can't believe I kissed John!" and I said, "No Shera, JOHN KISSED YOU!" And then she really smiled!!! It was completely, totally great.
6) It was my first time to meet the guys (so to speak) and I just kinda stood back and watched and helped Shera hold stuff, but at one point, John had his arm aroung someone else and his Picasso tattoo was right in front of my face. It's so beautiful! I couldn't resist (LOL) I just kinda touched/patted it and told him thanks for a great show. I got a very sweet smile in return. Works for me!!!
It was great to meet all you WOGers, even if it was just briefly. It was one of those weekends where I needed a clone.
And thanks again CGH for tossing John's b-day card up for me. Shera saw Peter the tech pick it up, so I'm pretty sure John got it.
from kim (again!)
You guys have done a great job on adding to the excitment of our little weekend. I can't help but laugh while I am reading all of the things that each of you have added.
I am proud of Tigerlily and myself for sticking it out and not running away b/c we truly didn't think we could do it thanks for the support guys.
Thank you all for giving me the courage to kick butt at HOB, there was no way in I was going to go stand in that long line when we followed the rules and all of you had traveled so far and had such little sleep. I truly did not think I would have the guts, but with all of you behind me, I don't know what came over me I exploded, was it bad? A BIG thanks needs to go out to the manager for understanding our position and letting us in he could have said get in line ladies. So THANKS to the Manager at the HOB for letting us in.
from Tigerlily (again!)
My friend just said she would have loved to get the glasses with the big penis nose as an Xmas present Who wouldv'e known... Also you left out one BIG(choke )item- THE FLASHER!!! Arn't we the lucky ones  To the other Kim, who saw us in New Orleans, Don't be shy!!!Keep on checking the board, we're all going to have to do this again real soon - otherwise I'll just about die from Goo withdrawl- I'm already suffering the shakes and sweats GOTTA HAVE MY GOO 
From Laurie (again!)
Told you guys we baled on that strip club too soon! Just think of the stories we could have told if we'd run into him there! 
Still trying to get over what an incredible time we had. KIM!!! I need you here on NYE to deal with the HOB!! You gotta come kick butt & get us on the rail again! 
Since I was right next to the amps & just got my hearing back this afternoon, maybe ya'all can help me with something. Someone I know told me John is suffering from another cold & that his voice is shot. Yeah, the sound system sucked & a lot of what I heard had tons of static, but I thought John sounded great. Even afterwards when he was signing stuff & taking pics I thought his voice sounded "normal." What did you ladies think?
Hey Kris, what are you planning to do with (or should I say to) Andy on NYE?? Sorry r-ette. I highly doubt Andy will even remember me in 27 days. Not gonna be much I'll get the chance to do to him. As long as I get to see him smile, I'll be a happy camper.
Anybody know what happened to the 99 cent menu people??? 